What is a Letter of Recommendation? | Roamingdesk.com

A recommendation letter from someone who knows you well and can attest to your skills, qualities, and achievements. A letter of recommendation provides insight into your character, abilities, and potential to others, such as prospective employers, academic institutions, or organizations.

Typically, a letter of recommendation includes the recommender’s assessment of your strengths and weaknesses and their observations about your work ethic, academic or professional achievements, personal qualities, and potential. The recommender may also provide specific examples to support their claims.

Letters of recommendation can be for various purposes, including job applications, graduate school applications, scholarship applications, or internships. The letter by someone who knows you well and can speak to your abilities should be signed and dated by the recommender.

How to write a letter of recommendation?

If you’ve to write a letter of recommendation for someone, here are some steps you can follow:

  1. Request information: Ask the person who requested the letter of recommendation for any information or materials they want you to include. Materials may consist of the purpose of the recommendation letter, the person’s resume, a list of accomplishments or experiences, or specific prompts or questions you should address.
  2. Introduction: Start your letter by introducing yourself and your relationship to the person you are recommending. Give details on how you know the person and for how long.
  3. Qualifications: Discuss the person’s qualifications for the position or opportunity for which they are applying. 
  4. Qualifications may include their education, work experience, or any particular skills or talents they possess. Use specific examples to support your claims and illustrate the person’s abilities.
  5. Personal characteristics: Discuss the person’s attributes, such as work ethic, communication skills, teamwork, and leadership abilities. Again, use specific examples to support your claims.
  6. Conclusion: Summarize your assessment of the person and recommend them for the position or opportunity they seek. Provide your contact information if the reader has any questions.
  7. Proofread: Read your letter carefully to ensure it is well-written, error-free, and portrays the person accurately and positively.

Remember to be honest and objective in your recommendation letter and only include information you can verify. Also, it is essential to check with the person that you are recommending if they have any specific requirements or wishes for the letter.


Recommendation letter sample

Here is a sample recommendation letter that could act as a template.

Please note that you should constantly tailor your letter to the specific requirements of the person or organization requesting the recommendation.

Dear [Recipient’s First Name],

I am contacting you in this letter of recommendation for [Applicant’s Name]. I have known [Applicant’s Name] for [duration of your relationship], during which time [he/she/they] have impressed me with their [qualities/achievements/work ethic/etc.].

[Applicant’s Name] has demonstrated exceptional [qualifications or achievements]. During [his/her/their] time at [school or organization], [he/she/they] achieved [specific accomplishment or recognition]. [He/She/They] consistently showed [a quality such as dedication, creativity, or leadership] and demonstrated [specific example of achievement or contribution].

[Applicant’s Name] also possesses solid personal characteristics. [He/She/They] communicate well with others and work effectively in a team. [He/She/They] show excellent problem-solving skills and are adaptable to changing situations. [He/She/They] take the initiative and consistently go above and beyond.

I strongly recommend [Applicant’s Name] for [the position or opportunity they seek]. For example, [He/She/They] have the qualities and qualifications necessary to succeed and would be a valuable addition to [the company or organization].

If you have any further questions about [Applicant’s Name], please do not hesitate to contact me.


[Your Name]


Recommendation letter for student

Here is an example of a recommendation letter for a student:

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Institution/Organization] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Title] [Institution/Organization Name] [Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

It is very pleasing to be writing this letter of recommendation for [Student’s Name], who has been an excellent student in my [class/course/program] at [Institution/Organization]. I have enjoyed working with [him/her/them] for [duration of your relationship].

[Student’s Name] has been outstanding and demonstrated [qualities or achievements]. [He/She/They] have consistently shown an eagerness to learn and have exceeded expectations in the following areas: [provide specific examples of accomplishments or skills].

[He/She/They] has an excellent work ethic, consistently showing up to class prepared and engaged in discussions. [He/She/They] also work well with others, showing strong communication skills and teamwork. [He/She/They] are always willing to help others and proactively seek growth opportunities.

Based on my observations, I am confident that [Student’s Name] will excel in [their academic pursuits or future career]. [He/She/They] has the qualities, skills, and work ethic necessary to succeed in their chosen field. I wholeheartedly recommend [him/her/them] for [the program/scholarship/internship] that [he/she/they] are applying.

If you have any further questions about [Student’s Name], please do not hesitate to contact me. However, I am confident that [he/she/they] will positively contribute to any program or organization.


[Your Name]


Recommendation letter for scholarship

Here’s an example of a recommendation letter for a scholarship:

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Institution/Organization] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Title] [Scholarship Committee Name] [Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am contacting you with this letter of recommendation for [Applicant’s Name] to support [his/her/their] application for the [Name of Scholarship] scholarship. It’s been a great delight working with [him/her/they] for [duration of your relationship] at [Institution/Organization].

[Applicant’s Name] is an exceptional student, and I have been consistently impressed with [his/her/their] academic and personal achievements. [He/She/They] have demonstrated a solid commitment to their studies and consistently maintained a high academic standing. [He/She/They] have taken on leadership roles in [clubs/organizations/projects] and have made a significant contribution to our [Institution/Organization/community] through [specific examples of their work].

[He/She/They] possess many admirable personal qualities, including [list qualities such as determination, teamwork, adaptability, etc.]. [His/Her/Their] exceptional academic record and unique qualities have made [him/her/they] a valuable member of our academic community.

I am confident that [Applicant’s Name] will excel in [their academic pursuits/future career]. [His/Her/Their] dedication and achievements make [him/her/they] an ideal candidate for the [Name of Scholarship] scholarship. This scholarship’s financial assistance and recognition would be incredibly beneficial to [his/her/their] academic and personal growth.

Based on my observations, I highly recommend [Applicant’s Name] for the [Name of Scholarship] scholarship. If you have any further questions about [him/her/they], please do not hesitate to contact me.


[Your Name]


Professional letter of recommendation

Here’s an example of a professional letter of recommendation:

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Company/Organization] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Title] [Company/Organization Name] [Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am contacting you with this letter of recommendation for [Name of Applicant] to support [his/her/their] application for [position or opportunity]. Its been a great delight working with [him/her/they] for [duration of your relationship] at [Name of Company/Organization].

[Applicant’s Name] is an exceptional professional, and I have been consistently impressed with [his/her/their] performance and achievements. [He/She/They] possess a unique combination of technical, leadership, and interpersonal skills that make [him/her/they] a valuable asset to any organization.

During [his/her/their] time at [Name of Company/Organization], [he/she/they] demonstrated [specific examples of skills and achievements that are relevant to the position or opportunity that they are applying for]. [He/She/They] also showed a willingness to take on additional responsibilities and consistently exceeded expectations.

[Applicant’s Name] is an excellent communicator and works effectively in teams. [His/Her/Their] ability to collaborate and lead others has been instrumental in achieving many of our team’s goals. [He/She/They] also have a strong work ethic, consistently showing up to work prepared and ready to tackle challenges.

Based on my observations, I highly recommend [Applicant’s Name] for the [position or opportunity] that [he/she/they] are applying. [He/She/They] have the skills, experience, and work ethic necessary to excel in this role. I am confident that [he/she/they] will contribute to your organization.

If you have any further questions about [Applicant’s Name], please do not hesitate to contact me. I am happy to provide additional information about [his/her/their] qualifications and achievements.


[Your Name]


Letter of recommendation for a friend

Please see our example of a letter of recommendation for a friend:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP-Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Title] [Organization Name] [Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am contacting you with this letter of recommendation for my friend, [Name of Friend], who is applying for [purpose of the application, such as a job, academic program, etc.]. I have known [him/her/they] for [duration of your relationship] and have had the pleasure of witnessing [his/her/their] growth and development over the years.

[Name of Friend] is an exceptional individual with many admirable qualities. [He/She/They] is [list qualities such as intelligent, hardworking, reliable, dependable, etc.]. [His/Her/They’re] commitment to [specific projects or initiatives that you have worked on together] was always apparent, and [he/she/they] consistently exceeded expectations.

[Name of Friend] has a keen eye for detail and is naturally a problem solver. [He/She/They] is always willing to approach new challenges enthusiastically and seriously. [His/Her/Their] work ethic is unparalleled, and [he/she/they] consistently demonstrates the ability to work well under pressure.

[Name of Friend] has also shown strong leadership skills and the ability to work well in teams. [He/She/They] naturally connect with people and always go above and beyond to help others. [His/Her/Their] interpersonal skills make [him/her/they] a valuable team member.

Based on my observations, I highly recommend [Name of Friend] for [purpose of the application]. [He/She/They] have the skills, experience, and personal qualities necessary to succeed. I do not doubt that [he/she/they] will be an asset to any organization or academic program that [he/she/they] join.

If you have any further questions about [Name of Friend], please do not hesitate to contact me. I am happy to provide additional information about [his/her/their] qualifications and achievements.


[Your Name]


Residency letter of recommendation

Please see below an example of a letter of recommendation for residency:

[Your Name] [Your Title and Specialty] [Your Institution] [Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Program Director’s Name] [Residency Program Name] [Institution Name] [Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Program Director’s Name],

I am contacting you with this letter of recommendation for [Applicant’s Name], who is applying for residency in [Specialty]. Its been a great delight working with [him/her/they] as [his/her/their] attending physician during [number of months or years] at [Name of Institution].

[Applicant’s Name] is an exceptional physician and has consistently demonstrated the qualities necessary to succeed in residency. [He/She/They] have a strong foundation of knowledge and clinical skills, and [he/she/they] continue to learn and grow as a physician.

[Applicant’s Name] is a dedicated and hardworking individual who consistently goes above and beyond to provide the best care to [his/her/their] patients. [He/She/They] have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and [he/she/they] work well in teams. [His/Her/Their] ability to collaborate with other healthcare providers has provided comprehensive care to our patients.

[Applicant’s Name] is also an excellent leader and has demonstrated the ability to manage complex cases and take on additional responsibilities. [He/She/They] have a strong work ethic, and [he/she/they] consistently demonstrate professionalism and ethical behavior in their practice.

Based on my observations, I highly recommend [Applicant’s Name] for residency in [Specialty]. [He/She/They] have the skills, experience, and personal qualities necessary to succeed in this field. I am confident that [he/she/they] will contribute to your residency program.

If you have any further questions about [Applicant’s Name], please do not hesitate to contact me. I am happy to provide additional information about [his/her/their] qualifications and achievements.


[Your Name]


Conclusion letter of recommendation

When concluding a letter of recommendation, it’s important to summarize your advice and reiterate your confidence in the candidate’s abilities. An example of a conclusion for a letter of recommendation:

In conclusion, I highly recommend [Candidate’s Name] for [Purpose of the Recommendation]. [He/She/They] has the skills, experience, and personal qualities necessary to excel in [field or industry]. [His/Her/Their] dedication to [specific projects or initiatives] has been exemplary, and [he/she/they] consistently demonstrate [list positive qualities such as reliability, hard work, teamwork, leadership skills, etc.]. I do not doubt that [he/she/they] will be an asset to any organization or academic program that [he/she/they] join.

I am confident that [Candidate’s Name] will be successful in [his/her/their] future endeavors, and I fully endorse [him/her/they] for [Purpose of the Recommendation]. So don’t hesitate to contact me for further questions or additional information.


[Your Name]

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