The Benefits of a Four-Day Workweek You Need To Know About |

The Benefits of a Four-Day Workweek

Working ve days per week for at least 40 hours per week, the standard workweek for full-time employees has been in place for decades. This suggests that we spend at least one-third or more of our waking hours at our home of employment!
This may be the only or best choice available in certain occupations or sectors. Some businesses have discovered that a four-day workweek is advantageous to employers and workers!
What the Data Says About Four-Day Workweeks
Several small and large-scale studies have been undertaken to assess the effects and efcacy of working less than 40 hours per week on both individuals and organizations.

Perpetual Guardian

According to the findings of a study conducted by Perpetual Guardian, a New Zealand estate management company, after reducing the average workweek from 40 to 32 hours for its 240 employees from March to April 2018 while still paying their total salaries: At least 24 percent of the employees surveyed felt
they had a more balanced week under the reduced hours. Employees reported a 7 percent reduction in stress levels. Employees reported an increase in work satisfaction of 5 percent.
More crucially, the research showed that workers’ job performance did not suffer due to the shorter workweek. Employees were highly driven to fulllproductivity standards to take advantage of the shortened hours.


Iceland undertook a considerably bigger experiment than the rest of the world. More than 2,500 individuals (about 1 percent of Iceland’s working population) worked between 35 and 36 hours per week instead of the traditional 40 hours per week between 2015 and 2019. Participants in the research came from various sectors, and they were not penalized for working fewer hours because of their employment status.
In most participating rms, employers discovered that productivity remained constant or even increased. Additionally, employees reported feeling less stressed and worn out and having a better work-life balance. The experiment was so practical that 86 percent of Iceland’s workforce has now adopted a reduced workweek due to its success.

Additional Experiments

As a result of the success of these two trials, more businesses are beginning to follow suit. According to the company, when Microsoft Japan started a one month trial with reduced workweeks in the summer of 2019, productivity increased by roughly 40%. And Unilever New Zealand is experimenting with an experiment that will run for one year and enable all 81 workers to earn their total compensation while just working four days per week.

Advantages of a Four-Day Workweek

Even though the concept of having a three-day weekend every weekend may appeal to you, there are some advantages to working a four-day workweek. — Increased Productivity According to the study’s findings, you have a greater chance of becoming a more productive and effective employee.

Advantages for the Environment

Not only do you minimize your commute-related stress by commuting to work one less day each week, but you also have a good impact on the environment. Just one day of not driving, taking the bus, or taking the train to and from work helps minimize the number of greenhouse gases emitted into the environment, not to mention that you are not using resources (such as petrol and water) while at the ofifce.

Improvements in Work-Life Balance

The ability to have one workday off per week will likely result in a better work life balance! If you need to conduct errands or make appointments throughout the week, you don’t have to take time off work (or feel terrible about missing work!). Alternatively, you may plan a bit of additional travel to have more time to follow your interests.

The Disadvantages of a Four-Day Workweek

Be aware, however, that a four-day workweek is not the best option for everyone and that it is not appropriate in all industries.

Not in Every Industry In other fields, such as medicine, you may not be able to take advantage of a four-day workweek because of your schedule. Some sectors demand employees work longer hours or be available on more days than four per week.

Time Crunch

Even though studies have shown that most workers are more productive over a reduced workweek, this is not true for everyone. Depending on their circumstances, some individuals may feel pressured or overwhelmed when attempting to squeeze a 40-hour work into 35 or even 32 hours per week. Because of this, individuals may have to work 40 or more hours each week to complete all of their tasks. Because of this, individuals may have to work 40 or more hours each week to complete all of their tasks. While some rms can and continue to pay their employees their total salaries, not all can or do. Some businesses nd the expense of a four-day workweek to be too expensive, and as a result, they may reduce employee compensation to make up the difference. Likewise, they may not be prepared to allow you to work less than 40 hours per week if doing so will result in you being unable to satisfy customer expectations.

Finding Balance

The transition to a four-day workweek may provide more personal time for the ordinary worker, resulting in a more favorable work-life balance. On the other hand, the four-day workweek is not for everyone, so weigh the advantages and disadvantages carefully before committing.
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