RBS Flexible Working Criteria For Employees | Roamingdesk.com

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, working from home has become the norm for many people. As a result, companies have re-evaluated their policies and procedures to accommodate this change. This incorporates permitting representatives to telecommute on a part-time or full-time premise, offering adaptable hours, and working from various areas. This is a positive development for the association and will, in all likelihood, advantage its delegates.

However, some concerns need to be addressed. This blog post will discuss these concerns and whether they are justified.

What is RBS?

RBS, or the Royal Bank of Scotland, is a financial institution headquartered in Edinburgh, Scotland. The bank has been working starting around 1727 and is one of the four biggest banks in the Unified Realm. RBS provides a wide range of banking and financial services to customers across the globe.


In recent years, RBS has committed to supporting flexible working arrangements for its employees. The bank perceives that a large number of its representatives have caring liabilities beyond work and that adaptable working can assist with further developing a balance

between fun and serious activities.

RBS offers various flexible working options for employees, including part-time, job sharing, compressed hours, home working, and flexi-time. Employees can discuss their desired arrangement with their line manager, and an agreement will be reached based on business needs.


The bank has also introduced a new ‘ agile working’ policy, which gives employees greater flexibility over where and when they work. This includes the option to hot-desk (work at any available desk), take advantage of remote working technologies, and use flexi-time and compressed hours arrangements.

What are the flexible working criteria for employees?

The RBS flexible working criteria for employees are as follows:


– Employees must have been with the company for a minimum of six months to be eligible to apply for flexible working.

– Employees must have a good attendance record and be up to date with their work to be considered for flexible working.

– Flexible working requests must be written, outlining the proposed changes to the employee’s current working arrangements.

– Requests will be considered case-by-case basis, considering the needs of the business and the individual employee.


If you are an RBS employee and would like to request flexible working, please speak to your line manager in the first instance.

What are the benefits of flexible working?

Flexible working can bring several benefits to both employees and employers. For employees, it can provide a better work-life balance, more control over their working hours, also the capacity to telecommute or another area that is more helpful for them. For employers, flexible working can lead to increased productivity and creativity and lower absenteeism and staff turnover rates.

How to apply for flexible work at RBS

If you are an employee of RBS and would like to apply for flexible work, there are a couple of things you really want to be aware of. First, you must have been employed with RBS for at least 26 weeks. Second, you must submit your request in writing and include the following information:


  1. The type of flexible working arrangement you are requesting (e.g., reduced hours, compressed work week, telecommuting)
  2. The reasons why you are requesting the flexible working arrangement
  3. The proposed start date for the arrangement
  4. Whether you have previously made a flexible working request at RBS and, if so, when
  5. How the proposed arrangement would affect your work and that of your team


Your written request must be submitted to your line manager, who will discuss it with you. If your line manager agrees to the request, they will send it to HR for approval. HR will review the request based on business needs and operational requirements.


In conclusion, the RBS flexible working criteria are an excellent way for employees to manage their work-life balance. However, it is essential to remember that these criteria are not set in stone and can be changed depending on individual circumstances. Please get in touch with your manager or HR department if you have any questions about the RBS flexible working criteria.

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