Job Boards for college students

            Job Boards for college students

College education plays extremely significant role in order to get successful throughout their life through experiencing education culture, meeting up with different people, studying in different program such as anthropology, sociology, mathematics, accounting and finance and many others program as well in different universities.

College students and financial assistance

Different university are offering the financial assistance program to the college students who are not afforded to expenses the college, so university administration and stakeholders take the responsibility to give the financial assistance to deserving and meritorious students as well. the college students are taking scholarship from university always comes on the top priority on the job market as well because their finances have paid by the university including with other benefits such as hostel fees charges, library charges, books charges, transport charges and the stipends as well. The financial assistance gives the edge in the job market for the college students and they are the successful in their higher position in the job market as well. The college students who are facing the financial challenged are become the successful alumni of their university as well because they have the linkages from different organization after working in different organization and they become the pride of performance of their university as well.

College students and Online learning

The students in every grade level are now a days getting education in any degree program during this COVID 19 situation online. The students are receiving online education while attending classes on different online platform such as zoom, Microsoft team, google meets up, google classroom and easy classroom as well. The teaching as well as learning process is going online where students as well as instructors are interacting virtually while discussing different concepts as well. The covid 19 has transformed the world through online education that the online education is becoming part of the education system around the globe as well. The Sal khan owner of Khan academy had already made access to online education around the globe any where as well as everywhere at free of cost. The students are also learning free of cost and learning difficult concept for different topics as well.

Jobs plays extremely important role to get working experiences in any organization that the students are applying based on their qualification, working experiences as well as the research publication and research experiences as well. There are a lot of different degree programs that different universities are offering around the globe as well while getting education from those universities then the students will apply different jobs as well.

College students and Job Hunting

College students is required a lot of time to think about how they can effectively hunt the job and which job is suitable for them. There is also the point of discussion here that in which background they have completed their undergraduate studies or M Phil studies or doctoral level studies and what are their career interest. The job hunting requires the planning and consistent efforts because the college students require to search jobs on internet on different websites and apply. During that, they need to fill application form, submitting CV, and emailing the department to consider for the job position that the college student is interested.


College students and Experiences

According to one of the student learning experiences while She had taken admission in a University in one of the program B.Ed. hons education programs. which is four years undergraduate degree program. During that degree program, she had participated a lot of students’ club society such as mathematics society, Alumni society, Marketing society, community welfare society, education society etc. She was the most active as well as motivated student in classroom. She is active in participating in every competition that the university is offering. During these undergraduate years, she has developed the leadership qualities while working in a team in different project in Sukkur IBA University campus. So, she had applied in one of the exchange programs on “economic and enterprise development at Entrepreneurship center “at National university of Singapore (NUS). Where she had got a chance to meet with diversified participants who were from different countries, spoke different languages etc. She had got an opportunity to network as well as build collaborative and lifelong friendship with them. This is how her had made her experiences enough worthwhile that she had successfully got offer from fully funded scholarship program at National university of Singapore. So after completing an exchange semester at Singapore, She had applied on one of the job which she had seen it on oxford University press website for the position of academic coordinator, where she had got a chance to give trainings to private school teachers for promoting the oxford university press books materials for the primary grade level to secondary grade level as well. She had served her knowledge and experiences for around three months for this oxford university Press Pakistan organization.  The point of mentioning in detail her university experiences is that this is how university experiences makes her capable to get job in oxford university press Pakistan. This was the on-campus degree program as well. This is how she had developed effective leadership skills while working in team, developing communication skills, interpersonal skills, and cross-cultural skills as well. Furthermore, attending universities prepares the students to get different jobs offers as well.


Resume development and college student

College students can be able to receive jobs offer if they have created their customize resume as well as cover letter effectively while applying to different jobs as well. The resume is about the document which highlighted the student’s qualification, list of different courses, working experiences, participating in different students’ club society, research publication experiences, hobbies, and references as well.  Its about the overall students academic, professional working experiences and extracurricular activities as well. Whereas the cover letter is about to write specifically your working experiences that you are applying for job as well.


Career development centers

There are a career development centers which promotes as well as provides offers to colleges students by collecting their CV and cover letters and send it to respective departments as well. They provide the straight path to students’ career development opportunities when students would be graduated, and they automatically become the part of the system of it


Online job portals

There are different job portal are available online which facilitates the college students to apply for it for different position based on their own interest. Linkedln,,, flex jobs and other very important important portals are available for students just to go online, update their cv, cover letter and cover photos and then apply as well.


COVID 19 and working remotely

In this COVID 19 phases, the college students are facing a lot of challenges in economically because there was lacking the jobs in the fields that is why there is a  lot of jobs available online which promotes the work remotely offer for the candidates for different position based on their own interest. One of the candidates works from the Pakistan in one of the renowned education organization “The citizenship foundation” for the position of accelerated learning design curriculum program as well. the candidate is working from home and just required the sound internet connection and laptop as well.

On campus job opportunities

There are different university around the world provides on campus job opportunities in which the students in the colleges who are taking classes in the campus can also work in the campus as well for different position opening in the campus as well. one of the top ranked university in Pakistan has been offering teaching assistant as well as research assistant position for the college students who are taking classes in undergraduate, postgraduate or even Ph D level classes and still get an opportunity to work smartly in the campus as well. one of the candidates has shared their experience of by working in assistant editorial position on campus as well. the position is offered from school of science and engineering as well.


Internship programs

There a lot of benefits of working in internship program such as the college students experience valuable working experience, identifying different career opportunities within the organization, get a lot of boast on the market, showcasing working experience in the organization, receive a lot of financial opportunities, experience a lot of chance to get recommendation and networking in profession setting. One of the candidate has worked in British council organization for the position of intern, the college student use to work in library in the British council and settling in internship position, the college students has explored different career option over there and attended a lot different workshops under British council and now the college student has been serving in the British council for around 4 years as well.

One of the college students has shared his experiences that He was studying in Sukkur Institute of business administration in department of education and training In Pakistan. Its one of the renowned universities in Pakistan as well.  during studies, the college students has volunteered as a teacher position by working as a teaching fellow position in the Sukkur IBA community schools as well. now after graduated, the college student has got a chance to work in the teaching support associate to work in the Sindh Education foundation (SEF) in Pakistan as well.

College students are also getting a lot of issues in terms of color, race, language, culture etc.  when they are working organization.


College students and Facebook group

The college students have shown a lot interest towards Facebook and they developed their professional networked based on constantly showing up on social sites. The use Facebook to develop professional network, update their work history, showcase their professional experiences as well. They constantly see and search other profiles, seeing their photos and news, doing messages and talking to them on social sites and most importantly they join different social group to post their job openings as well.


Searching jobs

When college students are applying for different job position. They are in the process of searching jobs that are relevant to their qualification as well as interest as well, so they use different resources such as reading newspaper on the career page, finding on the internet on online job portals, joining different social site group such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn as well where different companies keep on posting jobs so that the college student find it and apply accordingly as well.


College students and Freelance Jobs

There is different freelancing website which offers work remotely as well. These websites are fiverr, Upwork, people per hour, freelancer, and many other sites. They are providing job opportunity and project-based opportunity so that the college students just need to update their profile info and applying for different job application process as well. One of the college students shares her learning experience regarding working remotely, She has explained the benefits of work remotely as it does not required to into the office and work, as its extremely important for her work remotely as well as work anywhere around the world at your comfort level, its just required sound internet connection and ability to have a command on expert level task. She has been working on freelancer in the areas of writing and translation where she use to write a lot of articles based on different range in terms of words and she maintain the prices of articles accordingly as well. She also has an experience in the research writing, reviewing literature review, writing case studies, and reviewing case studies as well.


Gender differences and college students

Gender differences plays a significant role for the job market. There are women who are facing constantly satisfaction towards the jobs that they are performing as well. women are supposed to have a lot of responsibilities at their own home as well, because they are giving their time and concentration towards small babies as well. according to one of the research studies, the research highlighted that that the women are do a lot of work and they have their children responsibilities that is why, they are unable to perform work on satisfaction level as well.


Working on Jobs and Leadership Skills

The leadership qualities plays extremely significant role when college students are performing any task in the job because its required a lot of leadership skills such as ability to work in team, ability to negotiate, ability to develop professional network, ability to work in the diversified environment etc. different organization are always offered workshops on developing effective leadership skills in the corporate world. One of the top rank university in Pakistan “ Lahore University of Management sciences “ offered continuous professional development of leadership trainings in different university in Pakistan such as Sukkur Institute of Business administration ( IBA Sukkur), Karachi IBA and Lahore University of management sciences ( LUMS). College students who work on different jobs bring leadership skills on the organization, so it enhances the organization performances as well as reputation within the community as well.


Harvard University Leadership: the politics of change course at Lahore University of management Sciences (LUMS) Pakistan

One of the college students has currently enrolled himself in one of the courses “The leadership and the politics of the change course. The course is offered in Pakistan in Lahore university of management sciences where the Pakistan Ph D faculty who have studied in Harvard University in different program such as educational leadership and management, Educational policy making and developing effective leadership qualities etc. The faculty teaching leadership course to college students just want to provide them awareness about the leadership quality and its application to the job market that how college students can actively become successful if they are able to develop their technical skills, professional skills and the leadership qualities as well which ultimately increase the students success in the job as well.


College student and networking skills

Networking skills plays important roles for college students whether in job market or during their course of studies in any particular program as well. the networking skills are all about the how much students are well in making connection with different group of people in the job market. The networking skills can also be virtually as well by making connection with different social networking sites such as linkedln, facebook, twitter as well. its also about how much the college students have qualities to develop network in partner organization and maintain that professional contact as well. One of the university in Pakistan “ Lahore University of management sciences “ provides training to their M Phil program students to build report as well as maintain professional contact when they are visiting any particular organization in which they have signed a memorandum with them in order to provide the job opportunities to their M Phil students right after they will graduate as well.

College students and cv building workshops

One of the college students has shared his experience regarding attending the CV building workshops on zoom through his university where he is studying at Lahore University of management sciences (LUMS). He has attended the session on zoom through virtually and he has developed an understanding that how its important to show case professional working experiences, qualification, and achievement on  CV in order to hunt the job successfully in which the college students applying based on their level of interest.  He has attended workshop on CV building in which the school of education has offered for invitation to attend it. While experiencing this workshop, He has developed an ability to develop an ability to write CV effectively and applying on different position on jobs as well.


Technology and college students

Technology plays extremely significant role for the college students in the learning process, it facilitates students to connect with the technology when they are working remotely for the particular job as well. one of the college students in M Phil Educational leadership and management program at LUMS School of Education in Pakistan has shared his experience is that He is attending his classes online and working on the research job online. He also has said that the technology has made his life easier. He is working from home easier because of this COVID 19 in Pakistan


College student and psychological pressure on Job

Psychological pressure plays huge role on college student while they are working on the job in organization. One of the college students share her experience in of the educational organization that is oxford university press Pakistan for the position of academic coordinator and her main responsibilities towards being an academic coordinator is to conduct teachers training session under different private schools where oxford university press books material is used. She has highlighted that the she has been conducted a lot training that She has faced a lot of psychological issue in which she has faced severe headache after conducting trainings and she has got tired and her energy towards task is totally finished. She feels that need to resign her job because she can not maintain her energy level. After serving her three months over there, she has resigned her position as well. even though the professional development department was paying her well, but She was giving priory to her mental peace overpay scales as well.


College students and jobs in Multicultural setting

There are different job opportunities are out on different social site platform and other newspaper ads which promotes the job opportunities in different areas for college students. Say for example, students are applying on different human resource (HR) position, academics position or teaching assistantship as well. working in the multicultural environment facilitates college students to work ad ability, understand the differences that human being is unique and different, learn different language, meeting with the diversified group of people, working in tough deadlines etc. These characteristic in working in multicultural setting makes person sensible and emotional intelligent as well.


College Students and exchange program

There are different universities around the world in which the universities are offering in exchange program on different program as well. To build effective communication, collaboration and partnership, the exchange program facilitates the partnership with different universities as well and student are considered the partner to bridge the communication level smooth. Furthermore, attending different exchange program promotes the job acceptance level high and it added a plus point in the CV as well. there is always a major difference in the students who have experience exchange program and those who have not experience as well. According to one of the experiences that the student has shared while experiencing exchange program, She has attended student leadership program on public policy as well as Global teen leadership program in united states of America. Attending in these two programs has really helped her in developing and promoting leadership qualities among organization, getting promotion in the job in British council Pakistan for the position of Library assistant. She is more confident in herself as well.


College student and job interviews

Job interviews plays extremely significant role for the college students to get accepted into the required position that the student has applied. There are different areas plays important for the college student such as interview question which helps the interviewer to get an idea about the college students regarding achievement, academic performance, strength and weakness, participation in different conferences or workshop, understanding their verbal communication and nonverbal communication, awareness of diversified languages, exposure of visiting different countries through exchange program or attending different degrees programs as well.


College students and job promotion and benefits.

The job promotion is one of the topmost important components when students are working in any organization for the position in which the students are serving their knowledge, skills, and services. The job promotion is all about increasing the pay increment, going, or upgrading in higher grade level or position, lightening workload as well. The job promotion is also brought security to dedicate and commit it for the period of long term and it also increase the chance of financial security as well. The more well the student perform in the job requirement and responsibilities the higher chance of making position in the job and receiving benefits as well. There are also other benefits which is associating with the job promotion such as receiving the funds and grants, getting authoritative position, receiving health insurance cards, receiving transport facilities, getting offer to visit company head quarter which may be located in abroad. Furthermore, The personal level of happiness is also attached from the work we do, its extremely important that how happy we are with the work we are doing, the more we are happy towards the work, the more we will be successful in the job as well as receiving promotion.


Job promotion and higher level of qualities

The job promotion is required a higher level of qualities which makes the employer different from fresh employer. It can be the student possess higher level of different set of skills and knowledge as well. The higher-level skills can be effective in communication skills, negotiation skills, interpersonal skills, leadership skills and management skills as well. So, it’s extremely important to request for promotion to the organization that the students are serving their knowledge, skills, time and effort. The student needs to provide the complete record of their work history, the number of projects and the field visit that the person has field so highlighted record of employer working history in the organization can increase in the chances of job promotion as well.


College students and Freelancing

There are a lot freelancing opportunities are available for the college student. The freelancing is about that the student work for themselves such as receiving contract or project from different companies. The freelancer is considered the self employed as well. the freelancer is always considered the contractor for their company as well. there are round about 18 different websites that offers freelancing opportunities for the college students in the different areas of expertise such as writing and translation, digital marketing, graphic designing, video and animation, music and audio, programming and tech, business , lifestyle and industry as well. These are some of the very important category that the fiverr has started to recommend the freelancer to work with them by following these categories. The fiverr is the largest and the most famous freelancer marketplace which facilitate the buyer as well as seller to work with them on different category based on their level of interest and time commitment as well. other freelancer is also following the same stuff, but they have different level of rules and regulation. The other freelance sites are Upwork, people per hour, Toptal, Flex jobs corporation and behance as well. these are the freelance website and there are many others too we just need to search on google.


College students and age diversity in job

There is diversity in the job market for the college students. The diversity is about different age group, job position and the job grade level as well.  there is the power dynamics and authority level when employer is getting promotion as well. The college students need to face a lot of diversity in terms of age, culture, language, nationality as well. The diversity provides the learning for the employer for the job as well. The diversity is a beauty itself which facilitate that everybody is different and unique, and they possess unique perspectives and ideas as well which is different from others too.

These are the important component for the college students when they are considered for the job boards as well. The college students need to be well prepared from the expertise of the subject matter knowledge, working experience in student club society, developing effective CV, developing leadership qualities as well. The college students need to build a strong linkages and network with the organization that relates to them.


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