Janitor Remote and Work from Home Job Description | Roamingdesk.com

Janitor Job Description


A Janitor job is a very hardworking and challenging job. It is hard to manage sometimes because of their long working hours, or sometimes the weather looks very harsh. Still, they are always very dedicated to their work. A janitor may be working behind the scenes, but their importance and need are in front of everyone. Janitors are working in buildings, offices, or markets. They are responsible for the cleanliness, maintenance of the area, and maintenance safety standards. Janitors are multi-skilled and very punctual.

Job Description:

We have a very hardworking team, and we need an experienced janitor to join our team. A janitor performs many tasks, and he must be punctual. Janitors are cleaning the building, emptying trash bins, maintaining the safety standards, locking the doors at night, and responsible for maintenance. They should have experience in cleaning tasks and basic knowledge of repairs. Janitors are sometimes working after their work hours, and their shifts may exceed. They are also working outside the building, like in markets or offices. Occasionally, the weather is not so good, but they are always very dedicated to their job.

If janitors work with equipment or technical tasks, they should have certificates related to that work. They should have experience in maintenance work and know all the latest techniques.

Janitor Job Responsibilities:

  • Performing cleaning tasks and keeping the stock of cleaning products.
  • Empty all the dust bins and trunks.
  • They should maintain safety standards, locking doors, turn off all the lights, and taking care of security rooms.
  • They should be Taking care of lawns and floors.
  • Responsible for vacuuming and washing.
  • Maintenance of the premises.
  • Maintenance of equipment.
  • They should be good in verbal skills.
  • Janitors are very punctual and a multitasker.
  • Good managerial skills.
  • They should have knowledge and experience in repairing.
  • Janitors are physically very strong and have good staying power.
  • Sometimes they are working extra long hours.
  • Janitors are doing the job at multiple places.
  • They are managing their time very smartly in different tasks.
  • They have good social behavior.
  • Maintain the stock.
  • Cleaning restrooms.
  • They should know the necessary mathematic skills.
  • Responsible for repairs.
  • Assist supervisors.
  • They should have the capacity to work in challenging weather.
  • Janitors should have a work ethic and dependability.
  • They are self-motivated and have time management ability.
  • Knowledge of electrical skills and have experience.

Job Requirements:

Primary education is necessary for this job. At least ten years of experience in equipment and technical skills are needed. They have a competitive frame of mind and self-motivated ability. A janitor must have not a language problem, and they are mostly bilingual. Contractor Association Certificate is additional and referable in this job. They should be very active and have good management qualities.

Like during experimenting in the laboratory, the surrounding area is essential for the result accuracy. Similarly, Janitor creates the system which shows their importance; that’s all courtesy Janitor.


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