Best Job boards for Remote Work 2021 and Beyond


The internet is becoming one of the most important sources to work anywhere around the globe. Young graduates or professionals are using internet as a source of work to do. Its extremely important to have a good internet connection to successfully perform the different job as well. There are different internet companies who are providing good internet packages to work smoothly while connecting virtually around the world.


The google is becoming a prime search engine to search information anywhere around the globe and pick those information selectively, According to my own experiences, while was writing the article on best job boards for remote work 2021 and beyond then I had already decide to go to google search engine through my laptop and search accordingly in order to provide the effective information to my client.

Technological literacy

The technological literacy is about to use the technology effectively and using all the devices such as laptops, smarts phones, tablets, and internets to use it effectively. Its effective to use it well while using the technology in the process of teaching and learning as well. Furthermore, because of covid pandemic, the young professional or graduates are using the technology very well and they are working from home and using the technology as well. according to my own learning experience, I have learnt ICTS in education and introduction to computer, these are some of the courses that I have really learnt well in my undergraduate studies at Sukkur Institute of business administration.

Finding good job portals on google

There are some of the job portals that you need to find it in on google. I personally feel that it’s extremely important that it required some research or good searching skills to find it on good job and moreover, you need to update your cv effectively and apply on those job skills effectively

The future of remote work

According to the world economic forum, The remote work has been increasing since the start of the Covid pandemic and until now, So the future of work is about the future of technology at the workplace and the computer science and software engineering are the field that is becoming the demanding field as well.

Work from home anywhere around the world: the future of the technology

What is the future of the work? The future of the technology is about 21 century skills is about collaboration, critical thinking skills, communication skills, and technological skills as well. The future of the technology is about to stay connected virtually all over the world and it is important to learn technological literacy in the era of 21 century as well. The future of the work is to be aware of how to apply online application while applying on different jobs online through google as well. Furthermore, to work in the online workplace environment, one must be aware of how to conduct zoom meeting while working from anywhere and people from all over the world as well.



Zoom meeting

Zoom meeting is the video conferencing, web conferencing, webinars as well. The zoom is basically a cloud-based video conferencing services which can be used for virtually meet with others either using videos or audio tabs while conducting meetings with the project. There are some of the important areas such as meeting and chat, video webinars, conference rooms, phone systems and marketplace.


Some companies have decided to work from home till 2021 or even forever

  1. Google
  2. Universal music group
  3. Warner music group
  4. Sony music
  5. Amazon corporate
  6. Viacom
  7. Scotiabank
  8. RBS Royal bank of Scotland
  9. Group nine media

There are some of the companies who have never decided to come back to office forever

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Square
  4. Slack
  5. Shopify
  6. Zillow


There are round about 78 freelance websites for remote work 2021

  1. Glassdoor
  2. Flex jobs
  3. Solid gigs
  4. Fiverr
  5. Upwork
  6. Cloud peeps
  7. Indeed
  8. College recruiter
  9. Freelancer
  10. Guru
  11. Service scapes
  12. Craigslist

There are best websites for freelance writer

  1. Contena
  2. Freelance writing gigs
  3. Blogging pro
  4. Journalism jobs
  5. Morning coffee newsletters
  6. Freelance writing
  7. All indie writers
  8. Freedom with writing
  9. Media Bistro
  10. Paid to blog
  11. Due
  12. Pub Loft
  13. Contently

There is the best website for designer to get freelance job

  1. 99 design
  2. Behance
  3. Dribbble
  4. Angle lists
  5. Art wanted
  6. Design crowd
  7. Envato Studio
  8. Coro flot
  9. Smashing magazines
  10. Crowd SPRING
  11. Working not working

There is the best website developer to get freelance jobs

  1. Codeable
  2. io
  3. Lorem
  4. Joomlancers
  5. Rent a coder
  6. 10x management
  7. Gigster
  8. Talent cupboard
  9. Programmar meet designer
  10. You team

There are the best websites for photographers to get freelance jobs

  1. Craigslist
  2. The creative loft
  3. Cruise ship jobs
  4. Photography jobs central
  5. Journalism jobs
  6. Photography jobs finder
  7. Photography jobs online
  8. Freelance photographer jobs

There are the best websites for marketer for freelance jobs

  1. People per hour
  2. Remotive
  3. Aquent

There are the best websites for virtual assistant to get freelance jobs

  1. Belay
  2. Time etc.
  3. Click worker
  4. Amazon Mechanical Turk
  5. VA networking
  6. Assistant match
  7. Zirtual
  8. Fancy hands
  9. Worldwide 101

There is the best website for video editors to get freelance jobs

  1. Behance
  2. Mandy
  3. Production hub
  4. Stage 32
  5. tv

There is the best website for salespeople to get freelance jobs

  1. Zip recruiter
  2. Red hat
  3. Salesforce app exchange job boards
  4. Skip the drive

There is the best website for customer support freelance jobs

  1. We work remotely
  2. Virtual vocations
  3. Support driven
  4. Through your network


The future of jobs and skills 2020: The competing forces 2030

This is one of the most important question in the technological revolution about “So, what should we tell our children or teaching our children about the learning. It’s about  to stay ahead and think innovatively and need to focus more on the ability to continuously adapt and engage with others in that process of learning and collaborating on the virtual setting and most importantly we must teach young kids to retain your core sense of identity and values. It’s not just about acquiring knowledge but how can we apply the knowledge effectively in the real world by solving them problem and providing them solution as well. The new way of thinking must be taught to young kids as well.

The future of the workforce required skills

  1. 65 % highlighted that the technology is the answer of the job prospect in the future
  2. 74% highlighted that it is the employer responsibility to work on their own skills rather than depending on the organization
  3. 86% highlighted the adaptability
  4. 85% highlighted problem solving
  5. 81 % required collaboration skills
  6. 76 % emotional intelligence
  7. 74% require creativity and innovation
  8. 68 % require leadership skills
  9. 68 % digital skills
  10. 60 % Risk management skills
  11. 53 % STEM skills
  12. 50% entrepreneurship skills

The 2020 year is considered as the welcoming year for acceptance of technology in the workforce where young graduates or professionals are collaboratively working with the organization remotely.



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