List of Top 10 Skills for Resume |

List of top 10 skills for resume


As the saying goes, ‘The first impression is the last impression.‘ A resume is the first thing that the employer goes through before shortlisting you for an interview. And having the knowledge of relevant top skills for resume is essential to make your resume outclass the competition. Resume should be well crafted and written in such a way that it clearly outlines your skills and your experience. It is the document that will market you, and it should have complied in a way that stands out from the other resumes. A resume is the first step to get a job you want, so a nicely written resume with the relevant soft and hard skills will make your resume outshine other resumes and give you an idea of the popular skills we have included top 10 skills for resume in this blog. You should know the art of how to include soft skills in a resume since adding soft skills is as important as adding hard skills.


You must be wondering what are soft skills and hard skills?


Soft Skills are those who define your personality and trait. It gives an overview of your interpersonal skills, and these skills are subjective. In this blog, we have also mentioned the best soft skills for resume that you can add to your curriculum vitae and how to include soft skills in your resume.


Hard Skills are industry-specific and depend upon your educational qualification and working experience. These are the skills that can be gained by training and are work specific. Below are some of the hard skills which most of the industries have in common.


Computer Knowledge

It is the basic skill which is needed in almost every industry and in every skilled job role. This skill can be specific to the software or application knowledge which is required for the job you’re applying for.


This skill is required for the people who are applying for jobs in sales/marketing. This skill is more of a job role specific than an industry-specific ability since every business is selling, be it a product or a service.



Administrative is a skill that is not industry-specific, but it is required to manage your daily activities. The expertise which will help you to manage your task and report them on time.



It is one of the top skills for resume since it is one of the ways of communicating your message to others, and if you can’t convey the message intended, then the wrong message delivered can lead to huge losses. So the ability to communicate your right note is essential.


Check the list of top 10 skills for resume:



Communication is one of the best soft skills for resume, and you must be able to communicate with your boss, colleagues, whether it is in verbal or written form. The better you communicate, the better you understand, and the better results you get in your job.



If you have problem-solving skills, then you must have to add in your resume as it makes your cv attractive. There are many jobs which are only about solving problems for the company and clients.



Mostly you have to work within a team, so companies prefer the candidate who is comfortable working with a group. If you have this skill, it makes you stand out from others who do not have it.



Taking responsibility for your duties is a part of the employment. Managers do not cross-check every task they assign to you. So it’s your responsibility to do it once the job is assigned. So if you have this skill, it attracts the managers to hire you.



In today’s world, everyone is looking to hire candidates who are dynamic and ready to work in every situation. If you have this skill in your resume, then it can attract the attention of employers, and the chances of your selection are high.


Creativity is a skill that is different for different job roles. A manager who is working in the operations department should have the creativity to develop new ways to solve problems. For a designer, creativity is designing something new and something fresh. Creativity for a marketing manager is to use creative methods and new ideas to generate sales. So having this skill in your resume is a plus.


Decision Making

Decision making is not a skill that everyone can have, and sometimes employees have to make some decisions for the company. Many job roles require decision-making skills because you are responsible for your duties, so you are only responsible for the decisions to take regarding your task. Having decision-making skills cv increases the weightage of the resume.


Self Confidence

Self-confidence is necessary to do any task, and even in an interview, self-confidence works. The person who does not have this skill has fewer chances of getting a job vis-à-vis a person who is full of confidence. Most organizations look for a person who has self-confidence. You must have heard the phrase that “Self-confidence can do your 50% work, and for rest 50%, you have to work”. So this skill is a must for everyone who wants to work.


Presentation Skill

Many organizations want to hire people who have presentation skills. A person with excellent presentation skills can impress not only their managers, but it can work on clients as well. A well-structured curriculum vitae helps to showcase your presentation skills, and it can increase the chances of getting shortlisting.



If you are good at planning, then there are many job opportunities for you. Most jobs require this skill because if a person is good at planning, then it can do the work in the right direction and in less time. The proper work planning increases the efficiency of the work, and having this skill in your resume can help you in getting your desired job.



The skills mentioned in your resume speaks about your abilities and capabilities. It shows whether you will be suitable for the job or not. So, you should be careful while mentioning your skills. The top skills for resume discussed above in the article can increase your chances of getting selected. So do include a few of them in your resume.


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