Tips for Setting Up Your Home Office for Client Meetings | Businesspop.net
Source – Unsplash
The COVID-19 pandemic changed how we do business in many ways. Now, more people than ever are working from their houses, and in many cases, that work requires a home office. If your job involves meeting with clients then you will need to make additional changes to your workspace, and we are here to help. At Roaming Desk, we are all about remote work, so we have some great tips for how you can make a suitable and safe home office for client meetings.
Decorating the Space for In-Person Meetings
If you plan to have in-person client meetings on a regular basis then you will want to put your home office in a room that is large enough for several people. In addition to your desk, you will want to place a large couch or at least a couple of comfortable chairs for your guests. Some meetings will likely require a degree of privacy, so you should find a space with doors so you and your guests aren’t distracted by noises from the rest of the house. You can add paintings and wall art for extra flair.
Even if you don’t plan to have many client meetings, it is still a good idea to design a professional office, because if you ever sell your home then this space could increase the value of your property. For that reason, you should take the time to track the changes and improvements that you make so you can show potential buyers why the home is worth the cost.Â
COVID-19 Precautions
Although vaccines are making the rounds, the COVID-19 pandemic is still happening and even if you are not concerned about the virus, you should assume that your clients may be, so you should set up your home office with their protection in mind. The desk and chairs should be spaced far enough apart to provide the space necessary for social distancing. Also, you should have masks available in a desk drawer. If your client shows up wearing a mask then you should probably assume that you should wear one as well so everyone feels safe.
Many people choose to promote safety and increase the value of their office by adding UV lights into their HVAC system. The vents in your ceiling can often be home to viruses, mold, bacteria, spores, and other harmful irritants, and the UV lights can kill those pollutants on the spot. It is a great idea and this system will allow everyone in the office to breathe clean and fresh air.
Since physical contact is frowned upon by many during these uncertain times, you can help your guests feel more comfortable by using software that minimizes contact, such as using electronic payment software so you don’t have to pass out paper invoices. You can also consider project management software like Slack, which allows everyone to collaborate on projects without needing to be in the same room.
Setup for Virtual Meetings
Because of the risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, many clients may prefer to meet virtually over a video app like Zoom. If you plan to hold most of your meetings through the computer then you will want to set up your office accordingly. You will want to have plenty of light in the space so you are not hidden in shadow during your meeting. Although bright LEDs will provide great illumination, the best way to go is with natural light, so find a space that has plenty of windows.
You will also want to sit in front of a professional background. While many people like to sit in front of a bookcase during their meetings, the spines of those books can often be distracting to your audience. Instead, opt to sit in front of a neutral-colored wall with maybe a piece of art behind you.
In the end, if you plan to have clients over to your home then you need to create a suitable office space. Consider the tips above to make everyone feel safe and comfortable. If you want to know more about working remotely, then contact Roaming Desk at the like here.